This booking will last till 17:30pm
(not 30minutes on booking confirmation )
Please be aware that this is to book for the school holidays only.
Book now for any time in the school holidays. We are operating under strict Covid-19 guidance which means that whilst we can guarantee that we can accommodate in the Play Hub during your chosen slot, we may have to restrict the numbers of children using equipment at any one time. Our friendly staff will be able to advise and help you out during your session.
In order to control our numbers, we need to know how many adults will be coming per booking. There is a £1 booking fee per adult.
In order to accommodate families during school holidays, we limit our sessions to 2.5 hours. Our current sessions are:
- 15.00 pm – 17.30 pm
24th October – 27 October 2022
During these times, only school holiday bookings will be available.
For Health and Safety reasons, your own food and drinks must not be brought into The Play Hub.